Dentist in Clairemont Mesa
7AM - 5PM

Monday – Friday

(858) 292-7655

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Dentist in Clairemont Mesa

Dental Implants


What is a Dental Implant?

Dental Implants are cutting edge technology for tooth replacement. With a dental implant, a titanium screw is surgically placed into the jaw bone, taking the place of the tooth roots.

After the bone has healed and bonded to the implant, a second stage takes place where an abutment, (the upper half of the implant), is mounted onto the implant itself, and then a crown is seated on top of the abutment, replacing the missing tooth.

Dental Implants HQ

Does your smile reflect the real you? Show off your smile today!

Contraindications for dental implants

Proper records and diagnostic planning of the jaw bone is required.

Study models of the mouth and bite, and special 3D Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) scans of the jaw.

Why should implants be placed?